Links to associations and support

Stakeholders in Swiss biotech

Industry associations

Swiss Biotech Association – association of Swiss biotech companies
Economiesuisse – Association of Swiss enterprises
Interpharma – Swiss pharmaceutical research companies
scienceindustries – Swiss society of chemial industries
Toolpoint – Competence center for life science tool
Vips – Vereinigung Pharmafirmen in der Schweiz
Swiss Testing Labs – association of swiss laboratories

Support in Switzerland

Euresearch – Swiss guide to European research and innovation
S-GE Export – Advice, contacts and new business opportunities for export-oriented SMEs 
SME portal – Establish an SME
Swiss Technoparks – Association of Swiss Technoparks
Simap – Information System on public pocurement in Switzerland

Support abroad

S-GE Invest – Marketing Switzerland a a business location abroad
swissnex – Connecting the world & Switzerland in science education, art & innovation.
Swiss Cham – Swiss Chambers of Commerce

International stakeholders

International associations

EuropaBio – European Association for Bioindustries
Enterprise Europe Network – business support network initiated by the European Commission
European Federation of Biotechnology – Association of European scientific and technical societies active in biotechnology

National industry associations

Canada: BIOTECanada
Germany: BIO Deutschland,  VBU – Association of German Biotech Companies / DIB – Deutsche Industrievereinigung DIB
Finland: FIB Finnish Bioindustries
France: France Biotech
Ireland: Irish Bioindustry Association
Italy: Assobiotec
Japan: Japan Bioindustry Association
Norway: bionity
Scotland: Biotech Scotland
South Korea: KoreaBio
Spain: Asebio
Sweden: swedenBIO
The Netherlands: HollandBIO
UK: BIA The Bioindustry Association
USA: BIO Biotechnology Industry Organization

Start-up and spin-off support

Private and public instiutions support the creation of start-ups and spin-offs – a selection of  contacts are provided here:

CTI Entrepreneurship – the Swiss federal training programme for startup founders.
CTI Start-up: The hands-on coaching program for business founders and young entrepreneurs
Fongit – Swiss startup incubator
IFJ – Startup Support & Business Plan Tool
SME portal – Establish an SME
StartBiz – Easily create a company online
seca – Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association
Venturekick – kickstart your venture