Workshop: IPO readiness for biotech

Friday, January 27, 2023

9:00 – 12:30

Swiss Stock Exchange, SIX, Pfingstweidstrasse 110, 8021 Zürich

Initial public offerings (IPO) are a special type of fund raising. For biotech companies it’s even more special as they are rarely profitable and do not have a commercial track record. How do you present biotech companies aiming for an IPO to investors? What is the role of legal advisors, auditors, and banks in this process? What is needed to conduct a successful IPO?

Even if you are not planning to prepare for an IPO, it is always good to understand the process.

In our workshop we will share real-life experience with you and present speakers, who went through the challenges of a biotech IPO.

The workshop is ideal for

  • CEO and CFO of biotech companies
  • Investors, who invest in biotech companies
  • Anyone interested in understanding IPOs of biotechs

SIX Swiss Stock Exchange provides complimentary coffee, tea, cold drinks and Gipfeli. A light lunch follows the event. Participation is free of charge but you have to register with the form below, as seats are limited. In case of over-subscription participants from Swiss biotech companies will be given priority.

Register here for the IPO readiness workshop

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