As it is no longer possible to hold the Swiss Biotech Day on April 21, 2020, we are currently evaluating whether to reschedule the Swiss Biotech Day to Tuesday, September 15, 2020.
Given the numerous postponements of other events to the 3rd and 4th quarter this year, this is the only attractive alternative date available, if we want to avoid an overlap with competing events (such as e.g. Bio Europe).
As we would like to fix the new date for the Swiss Biotech Day very soon, we are grateful for your confirmation below by 23 March, 2020, whether your company is still committed to participate, if the Swiss Biotech Day is postponed to September 15. The conditions of your signed contract remain unchanged.
We will evaluate all feedback from our contract partners and get back to you before the end of the March.
Please reply by March 23, 2020
This survey only works on desktop browser versions. You will not be able to answer with mobile devices – we are sorry for this technical restriction
I confirm my unchanged commitment for the Swiss Biotech Day, if the convention is postponed to September 15, 2020, assuming that the current Coronavirus threat has been resolved by then.