• Wednesday, April 1, 2020 @ 12:00 am

Use our online form to provide feedback whether you look for support and partners, or whether you can provide solutions or assistance yourself.

All news from Swiss biotechs on the fight against Covid.

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The Swiss Biotech Association invites you to provide feedback whether you look for support and partners, or whether you can provide solutions or assistance yourself.

We are committed to use our network to provide support and to disseminate useful information, especially during this challenging lock-down period. Please use our online form to foster co-operation within our industry.

Measures by the Swiss government which are at the disposal of biotech companies

Apply for short-time work compensation - Act now

Short-time work is designed to avoid that employers have to lay off employees who temporarily have no work or can only work part-time. Short-time work applications need to be filed with the respective cantonal office of economy and labor. As this cannot be done retroactively, it is important to act now.

Daily social security allowances - For employees who cannot work due to the Covid-19 pandemic

In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, special daily allowances are paid to employees who have to be in quarantine or who need to take care of their children. Again, the point of contact for the employers is the cantonal office of economy and labor.

Strengthening liquidity reserves - Governmental loan program and additional cantonal support

Biotech companies with revenues
can access the emergency loan program the Swiss government is offering. There are two different processes established:

  • for loans up to CHF 0.5 million
  • for loans between CHF 0.5 million and CHF 20 million

In both processes, the loan is limited to 10% of the revenues generated in 2019.


Biotech companies without revenues
For these companies this loan program is limited to 10% of the annual personnel costs and the loan is capped at a maximum of CHF 50,000. Thus, at this point, unfortunately, there is no real solution available for biotech companies that have no revenues. The Swiss Biotech Association has highlighted this critical gap to the Swiss authorities and proposed measures to close this gap.

Additional support from cantons
In addition to the measures by the federal government many cantons provide additional local support. Please contact the respective cantonal or municipal authorities to check what is available in your region. Switch the language on the upper right of the web page of these links:

Negotiate with business partners - Assist each other to minimize expenditures

As research and clinical development projects are being delayed, it is critical that biotech companies can protect their liquidity reserves and that all stakeholders collaborate to assist each other to minimize unnecessary expenditures.

We encourage you to negotiate with local authorities and private business partners to find solutions to reduce fixed costs related to underutilized infrastructure and stalled R&D projects. The Swiss Biotech Association is getting in contact with the regional authorities, in particular in cantons with innovation parks.

Demonstrate your solidarity within our industry - Team up and let us know if you need support or can offer assistance

It is great to see that companies are teaming up to establish research and business partnerships to overcome logistical and capacity constraints. If you can provide solutions, offer opportunities, or have other ideas to help, please let us know. We will consolidate and promote your offers.

If your company or research group is working on developing solutions (diagnostics, treatment options, vaccines, etc.) to address the Covid-19 pandemic, please let us know whether you look for support or partners.

Use our network to connect and disseminate useful information.

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