• Friday, November 16, 2018 @ 1:00 pm

MetrioPharm AG announced that a substance patent for its lead compound MP1032 has been obtained in Canada. The Canadian patent CA 2791327 was granted on October 30, 2018.

MetrioPharm AG now has broad protection for MP1032 in all major markets: In Europe, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, China, Japan, Russia, South Africa, the Republic of Korea and now also in Canada (see map). In other countries, the application or partial applications are still being examined.

"The grant of the Canadian patent is another important success of our ongoing patent work and an important building block for our global strategy. Canada already has a pharmaceutical market volume of CAD 25 billion and a sustained annual growth rate. Together with the USA, we have now covered the entire North American continent," comments Dr. Wolfgang Brysch, CEO of MetrioPharm AG.

About MP1032
MP1032 is the lead compound of a class of proprietary immune modulators developed by MetrioPharm. MP1032 is believed to modulate the oxidative stress-mediated activation state of macrophages and downregulate the M1 state. In contrast to other immune-modulating and disease-modifying drugs, MP1032 does not impact T-cells and preferentially affects macrophages at the sites of inflammation. MP1032 has shown anti-inflammatory activity in animal models of disease and a favorable toxicology profile in pre-clinical studies. For the first Phase II study with MP1032, the indication psoriasis was selected because this immune-induced inflammatory disease is regarded as a so-called »door-opener indication«. Successes in the treatment of psoriasis have already led to first indications of promise for use in other chronic inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

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