• Tuesday, April 10, 2018 @ 12:00 am

Innosuisse will start also this year a bi-lateral call between the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) and the Swiss Innovation Agency (Innosuisse) for joint science-based innovation projects between research and economic partners from S. Korea and Switzerland. The Call is open for all topics. However projects in following topics are particularly appreciated:

  • Biotech; Medtech
  • Renewable Energy; Mobility
  • Digitalisation; Industry 4.0; IoT
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Smart Materials / Innovative surfaces
  • AR; VR

For more information about the conditions, please visit Innosuisse's webpage: https://www.innosuisse.ch/inno/en/home/go-global/internationale-projekte-suedkorea-schweiz.html

Innosuisse does ery much appreciate your special activities with regard to this forthcoming call.
For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact alain.dietrich@innosuisse.ch.

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