• Wednesday, February 21, 2018 @ 12:00 am

Santhera reported FY 2017 Raxone sales in LHON of CHF 22.9 mn and guides FY 2018 sales between CHF 28-30 mn.  The US filing of Raxone in DMD is planned for H2 2018, and following the negative opinion from the CHMP, to refile in the EU in 2019. Raxone remains the most advanced and undervalued late stage DMD drug. In February 2018, Santhera strengthened its pipeline with POL6014, which has blockbuster sales potential in cystic fibrosis in a back loaded agreement with Polyphor. Santhera has sufficient funds for its development and commercialization plans with CHF 58.2 mn cash.

Key catalysts include:

1. Raxone “IPPoMS” trial results (Q1 2018)
2. Omigapil phase I “CALLISTO” trial results (Q2 2018)
3. Raxone US filing in DMD (H2 2018)

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