• Wednesday, January 31, 2018 @ 12:00 am

Basel/Switzerland, January 30, 2018 – T3 Pharmaceuticals Ltd (“T3 Pharma”), a Swiss- based biotechnology company specializing in breakthrough bacteria-based cancer therapies, today announced its selection for the second stage of BaseLaunch’s accelerator program. T3 Pharma is one of six companies that qualified for this next phase. In addition to industry access and expert knowledge, T3 Pharma receives a non-dilutive funding to support its scientific research until the next value inflection milestone.

BaseLaunch is an accelerator program for promising and innovative healthcare startups benefiting from the dynamic life sciences cluster of the Basel region. The entrepreneurial- centric accelerator program offers non-dilutive funding, industry access, expert knowledge and infrastructure. BaseLaunch is backed by leading industry players Johnson & Johnson Innovation, Novartis Venture Fund, Pfizer, Roche and Roivant Sciences. The mission of BaseLaunch is to support healthcare entrepreneurs and integrate them into one of the most dynamic biotech and pharma ecosystems in Europe.

“In Phase I, we provided a highly customized program making the needs of the entrepreneurs and their ventures our key priorities,” said Alethia de León, Managing Director of BaseLaunch. “In Phase II, we will help the selected companies to move further in the venture creation process and to attract further investments.” Out of originally 112 applicants, eleven candidates were selected for the first phase of the accelerator program and six of them for the second phase. T3 Pharma will be one out of four companies that will receive non-dilutive funding in Phase II.

“We are proud to be among the companies that qualified for the second stage of BaseLaunch’s accelerator program”, said Dr. Simon Ittig, CEO and co-founder of T3 Pharma. “T3 Pharma will benefit from access to valuable industry and market knowledge as well as BaseLaunch’s extensive network. The selection for the second stage underlines the strong scientific and medical potential of our technology.”

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