Provectis Healthcare AG is a global healthcare company based in Basel and the commercial partner of choice to the innovative biopharma. We advance the innovation through launch, commercialization and brand building in Europe, Middle East and Asia.
Products, services, technology
Provectis would partner with innovators for their assets in Oncology, Oncology support care, Neuroscience, Ophthalmology, Dermatology and Medical Devices. We focus on rare diseases, orphan indications, differentiated products/formulations that meet the unmet needs in developed & emerging markets.
Cooperation possibilities
The experienced Provectis team, with their complementary expertise in clinical development, regulatory, access, medical and commercial excellence, would be an ideal choice for research innovators to realize successful launches and effective product life cycle management.
- +41 61 510 10 59
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- Samyukta Bhagwati
Some insights
We aspire to become a global company that is built on complementary expertise, ethical core values & an inclusive culture to develop future biopharma leaders who will enhance the true value of innovation. We want to transform patient outcome and offer better quality of life, not just medicine.
Provectis will restore and enhance the true value of the biopharma innovation. We will offer an opportunity to the innovators to continue to won their innovation yet realize the market potential. Therefore, we would build customized organization to achieve launch innovation.
There are few organizations who provide launch and brand maximization platform to the Pharma organizations but we are yet to find a company that would focus on enhancement of the innovation at the same time aims for positive patient outcome. Hence, we are a different commercial company.
We founders have complementing capabilities viz. basic research, clinical development, brining NMEs from lab to the market on one side and launch excellence, brand maximization, competitive readiness on the other side. We will build Market access/pricing, marketing capabilities in days to come.
They say, he goes out there to transform the quality of the life of the patients.
Help us to connect with aspiring talents young to mould them into future leaders; help us to connect us with like-minded innovators who share our vision and mission.
Innovators who would like to bring their innovation to the patients in the developed markets of Europe but also to the emerging markets of Asia and volatile markets of Middle East.