• Tuesday, November 29, 2022 @ 12:00 am

Relief and NRx settled their litigation with Relief regaining all NRx rights to RLF-100. Near-term upside should be boosted by the US launches of PKU GOLIKE and ACER-001. Future upside comes from the diversified pipeline, including RLF-100 in rare lung disease, RLF-OD032 in PKU and RLF-TD011 in EB.

Key catalysts:

1. Closing definitive settlement agreements with NRx (mid-December 2022)
2. ACER-001 PDUFA date in urea cycle disorders (15 January 2023)
3. US launch of ACER-001 in UCDs (early 2023)

Relief Valuation Report "Play ACE!"

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