• Friday, November 15, 2019 @ 12:00 am

Santersus AG (Switzerland), a privately held innovative plasmapheresis start-up company, reported the results of a study that validated the ability of the Nucleocapture to capture plasma cell-free DNA that are associated with increased mortality in sepsis.

The objective of the placebo-controlled interventional study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of Nucleocapture column in vivo in a clinically relevant large animal (porcine) intensive care sepsis model. The study results show that Nucleocapture apheresis procedure lead to circulating cell free DNA clearance, decrease of vasopressor load, increase of urine output. “We are excited by these findings and we hope that similar results will be obtained in a clinical setting,” said Dr. Andrew Aswani, the Medical Director of Santersus AG”.

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